Monday, August 12, 2019

Global Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Global Marketing - Essay Example The brand awareness and the brand recollection for Dyson have been very high both in UK and Japan alike, and growing to a great extent in US as well. The company was started with an intension to find a solution for the issues faced by the owners of vacuum cleaners. Over the past 12 years the company has grown to become the world leader in innovative vacuum cleaners and the company believes the products to be ‘beautiful products that work in every case’. The company takes pride in what it does and the products that they produce. Each product of the company is innovative and has created a mark in the countries across the world. It is however essential to also explore other markets that the company can increase their marketing resources into. This is mainly to assist the company expand the business and to develop an equally good position in other markets as well. The company can concentrate on the South East Asian countries and work towards improving the marketing resources here in these countries. There are several reasons for this choice. However before entering into this it is essential to get a brief overview of an essential element that requires to be considered before taking any steps of marketing improvements. With the growing change of economies and the various technological developments, there has also been a clear change which has been required from the companies as well. The needs of humans change over time and taking the example of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, it is clear that there is a strong connection between the economic growth and the personal choice in the current economy. In the r ecent ages, with the use of the World Wide Web and the internet, there have been a few changes in terms of the desire for knowledge, which were earlier satisfied by the information economy which provided for answers to the cognitive

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